Thursday, June 26, 2008


The most popular account involves Narakasura, a monster who ruled the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram. His arrogance and anarchic temperament was evident in his crooked behavior. He was a trouble-maker to the gods and the pious sages and would disturb their penance or create havoc during the rituals. To prove his power, Narakasura usurped some territory belonging to Aditi, the king of Suraloka and a relative of Satyabhama, Lord Krishna's wife. Not only this, he carried away 16000 women and imprisoned them in his palace. Vexed with this harassment, the gods led by Indra approached Lord Krishna and pleaded with him to protect them from the demon "Narakasura".On coming to know about this, Satyabhama was enraged by Narakasura's malevolence towards women, and she appealed to Krishna to give her the golden chance to destroy Narakasura. The legend also says that Narakasura was given a curse that he would be killed by a woman. Krishna granted Satyabhama a boon to fight with Narakasura.With Krishna as the charioteer, Satyabhama entered the battle field. During the war, Krishna swooned for a while, a preordained divinely act adopted to empower Satyabhama to kill the demon, Narakasura. After Narakasura was beheaded, the imprisoned women were released, and Krishna accepted to marry them.The killing of Narakasura was a victory of good over evil. It is interesting to note that Bhudevi, mother of the slain Narakasura, declared that his death should not be a day of mourning but an occasion to celebrate and rejoice. Since then, Deepavali is being celebrated by people every year with joyous celebrations with lot of fun and frolic, and fire works.
Narakasura, 鬼神,在印度搞破坏。这件事刚巧发生在Lord Krishna 统治印度那年。为了帮助那些 人民出害Lord Krishna 就和Narakasura 展开一场决斗。几天过去Lord Krishna 最后把 Narakasura 给杀死了。印度就很开心,点了很多油灯来庆祝Lord Krishna 成功消除妖魔-着个节日就称为了屠妖节-the festival of lights

Friday, March 28, 2008


我第一天走路是在我以前家前面的一个,不知道是大大水沟还是河, 的一道桥. 我还记得那天就是我的生日.所以我总是记得我第一天走路.
我突然走路起来时,爸爸妈妈告诉我他们很很开心,很骄傲. 我父母说那个桥以前是很美的, 但因为每人照顾,我又去看是,希望能让我记得我那里过的美好日子,但那边的水全都肮脏,水有些垃圾,以前能看到许多鱼游来游去,现在连一个鱼儿也没又,真是的!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


假期到了但是快要走了!!!所以我们应该好好的利用这个星期玩,不应该做功课!我要造反!!!!开玩笑,但是真的有太多功课!因为功课,我很多地方不能安心的去因为我总是要找时间做功课和找时间玩。我弟弟也一样,还没做完功课。所以我们希望能够在星期六一前做完。祝我们好运!!!!!!good luck to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008




Friday, March 7, 2008



新年初一到了,我起来时,我需要在最快的时间刷完牙,换衣服,准备跟爸爸妈妈拜年。其实,我不用忙着准备和爸爸妈妈拜年,因为我的妈妈总是因为要化装所以总是让我们等得很久。我们,(弟弟妹妹和我),那了红包时就准备到爷爷奶奶家吃早餐和拜年。我们那边和表兄妹谈话玩卡。过了一段时间,我们一大家人都‘分开’了,我们(我的表兄妹)都到了自己的另一边的家人。我到了婆婆公公的家时,就和婆婆公公拜年。我的阿姨和他们的老公(uncle-in-law or something like that),那过了红包,拜一下年就跟我表兄姐玩一会儿就去吃午饭。我们吃津津有味。不久,我跟每年一样,要去我老妈的家。(老妈=奶奶的妈妈。。。)那里有很多亲戚(有很多我不认识的。。。)我那天收到了很多红包,很多=)。我那天也因为玩卡,赢了20多快=)。。。(你可以说我很‘好赌’但我是玩玩而以,赢钱好,疏钱也没有关系=)),又过了一天了,又一天靠近开学了。。。

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The poem on seeds....

+Travelling +Shapes +Sizes
A Rnyming Poem
They travel on water and by wind
What are they?They are seeds
Some have hooks and some just split
Some are plainly animal feed.
Why can't the seeds all disperse the same way?
Why can't they all disperse the same day?
As they come in all shapes and sizes
They land everywhere, deep in the forest and some at the bay.
Seeds come in all shapes and sizes
Seeds disperse by different ways
Seeds come in different colours
From the forest to be carried away!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Posting 3 ( animal facts(amazing ones))

The Koala is an Australian icon – people recognize, love and adore these cuddly creatures all over the world. The Koala is a grey-shaded colour animal wth round eas and beautiful thmbs.
Koalas are often referred to as a bear(koala bear), because they look like a cute fluffy teddy bear. However Koalas are not bears. They are Marsupials, which means that they carry their young in a pouch. The name Koala comes from an Aboriginal word. It means "no drink", as Koalas get enough fluids through the eucalyptus leaves they feed on, thay hardly drink water at all!!!

Koalas are found all over east Australia, mainly in the south east.
Koalas are nocturnal. That means they sleep most of the day and are most active at night. They are very placid animals, and do not move around much, they are only active for about 2 hours of the day. A Koala spends about 75% of its life sleeping.
Koalas have only two thumbs on their front paws - to help them climb, to hold onto the tree and to grip their food.


The cheetah is the world's fastest land animal and the most unique and specialized member of the cat family. It can reach speeds of 70 mph. Unlike other cats, the cheetah has a leaner body, longer legs, and has been referred to as the “greyhound” of the cats. It is not an aggressive animal, using flight versus fight. With its weak jaws and small teeth, the price it paid for speed, it cannot fight larger predators to protect it's kills or young.After a chase a cheetah needs about half an hour to catch its’ breath before it eats. When cheetahs run at top speed they can cover 23 feet in only 4 steps and travel at speeds up to 70 miles per hour! Cheetahs are an endangered species due to a loss of habit and poaching
The cheetah is often mistaken for a leopard. It's distinguishing marks are the long tear-drop shaped lines on each side of the nose from the corner of it's eyes to it's mouth. The cheetah’s coat is tan, or buff colored, with black spots measuring from ¾ to 1 ¼ inches across. There are no spots on it's white belly, and the tail has spots which merge to form four to six dark rings at the end.


Wild tigers are at the very top of the food chain A tiger marks its territory by spraying surrounding trees and bushes with urine, dropping prominently placed scat, and leaving deep scratch marks on tree trunks. In the scent of the tigers urine and scat is a code which can only be deciphered by other wild tigers. The message not only acts as a warning to trespasses, but will also supply all the information needed for a would be mate.Tiger stripes are individually as unique as the human finger print.If you were to shave the fur from a tiger it would still have stripes. Tiger cubs are blind at birthAll tigers have a similar marking on their forehead, which resembles the Chinese symbol Wang, meaning King.Tigers do not purr.In Chinese, tiger means Wu Lao Hu. In Hindi it means Bagh, Sher. In Indonesian it means Harimau,Macan. In Korean it means Ho Lang-ee. In Vietnamese it means Cop. In Thai and Lao it means Seua. In Nepalese it means Bagh. In Burmese it means Kyar. And in Malay it means Harimau.As the trade for tiger parts has now been forced underground the incentives for poachers have greatly increased, one tiger carcass can mean as much as ten years pay.

blue whale's arteries are as big as drain pipes and its tongue weighs 4 tonnes. It's mouth is so huge that a football team could stand on its tongue!
newborn calf drinks around 230 litres of its mother's rich milk each day - her milk is about 50% fat, so not surprisingly, the calf gains weight quickly, putting on about 4kg per hour! By the time it is weaned (stops drinking milk) at 7-8 months old, the calf weighs around 23 tonnes.
Blues feed by gulping krill and water, taking in maybe 40-50 tonnes in a single mouthful. The whale then pushes out all the water and traps the krill using its hundreds of furry, comb-like ‘baleen plates’ which hang from its jaw and act like a giant sieve. Their baleen is the longest of all the rorqual whales, but it is particularly wide in relation to its length (90cm to 1m long; 50 to 55cm wide).
Blues must eat around 1.5 million calories each day, equivalent to around 4 million krill.
Blue whales are usually observed to travel either singly or in twos and threes (however, in a creature this immense, the usual rules on 'personal space' may not apply and what we perceive as a solitary migrating blue may in fact be 'travelling in company' with others, maybe several kilometres apart!).


What is Flipper doing with Sponge Bob? Dolphins have been observed using sea sponges as they scavenge for food on the ocean floor. It is believed that they use the sponges to protect their noses from being scratched.
Orcas, other wise known as killer whales, are not whales. They are actually the largest species of dolphin.
Orcas got the name “killer whale” after being observed killing whales for food. In fact, the orca is the only natural predator of humpback whales. About fifteen percent of all humpbacks have scars left after an orca attacks.
Although they are known for their ability to kill whales, an orca’s diet consists more of fish. However, they have also been observed eating sea birds, dolphin, sharks, seals, and even swimming deer and moose.
Some dolphin species, such as orcas and bottlenose, have been observed beaching themselves on purpose in order to go after their prey.
The smallest species of dolphin, the vaquita, is only four feet long and lives only in the Sea of Cortez.
Most dolphins sleep just below the surface of the water, surfacing frequently to breathe. They are also known to sleep with one eye open.
Dolphins are not only found in the oceans. There are several species of freshwater dolphins.
Dolphins use sonar to locate their prey, similar to bats do. Some freshwater dolphins are blind, and their only method of guiding themselves is their sonar.
Bottlenose dolphins are capable of creating sonic booms that exceed 230 decibels, which stuns the fish.
Dolphins communicate by clicking and whistling at each other. Each dolphin has a “signature whistle” that it uses to identify itself to other dolphins.