Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2 (Autobiography)

Yo! My name is Jett and I am currently supposed to be 12.I am in the class 6Joyfulness in Henry Park Primary School...Let us skip this boring introduction and start my life since 20th December 1996. I was brought into the world in the labour ward in Gleneagles Hospital. I was then 3.52kg at a length of about 50 cm. I was bigger than an ant but smaller than a elephant. Wait!That is just common sense...I was quite a fast learner. I learnt to crawl, sit, stand, eat, talk and so on by 10 months. To be specific, I learnt to crawl to sit in 5 months, learnt to crawl in 7 months, learnt to stand in 10 months, talk in 10 months...I was amazed that I learnt how to walk the day I turned 1. On my birthday!I then started half a year of playgroup at Ghim Moh Blk 17 and started kindergarten at St James Church Kindergarten which was at Leedoln road but now at Harding Road. When I was in nursery at that time, when I was only 4 years old, i was not so lonely as an only child. My brother, Justyn, was welcomed into this hectic world.It was 2 years before my sister was given birth, so now I have 2 siblings, 1 brother and one sister.After 3 fun years at kindergarten I started Primary 1 in 2003 at Henry Park where I stayed on until today. From 1G to 2G to 3G to 4B to 5A to 6J where I am in now! I hope that I would "graduate" to a good secondary school and I wonder what will happen ahead of me...I wish myself happiness, and may the Lord be with me throughout the years...i know he will...

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